We will be offering three adult classes for Wellspring U this semester. Two are from 6:30-7:30pm on Wednesday nights. Dinner begins at 6:00 pm and study begins at 6:30 pm. One is available on Tuesday mornings from 10:00-11:00 am.
Wellspring U Wednesday night classes offer childcare for children ages 0-6th grade (Registration below) and Wellspring Students 7th-12th grade (No registration required). Classes on Tuesday offer childcare for children ages 0-6th grade.
Habits of Grace lead by Cassie Van Natta
Hear his voice. Have his ear. Belong to his body.
Three seemingly unremarkable principles shape and strengthen the Christian life: listening to God’s voice, speaking to him in prayer, and joining together with his people as the church. Though often viewed as normal and routine, the everyday “habits of grace” we cultivate give us access to these God-designed channels through which his love and power flow―including the greatest joy of all: knowing and enjoying Jesus. This 10-week study will be on Wednesday nights at Wellspring Church in the green room. Required materials are available for $20. This study begins on Wednesday January 29th.
Matthew (Part 2 - Matthew 14-28) lead by Linda Mayes
When Jesus came, did people receive Him as the promised Messiah? What did they say about His miracles and His teaching? What caused them to call for His crucifixion? He says He’s coming back. If He came today, would people recognize Him? As you study Matthew Part 2, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the resurrection and its power in your life. Then take up the challenge to share the gospel with others. This 8-week study will be on Tuesday morning at Wellspring Church in the Blue Room starting at 10:00 am. Required material is available at a discounted cost of $23. This study begins on Tuesday, Jan 7th.
Zechariah: Kingdom Come lead by Kent Van Natta
What does the kingdom of God look like, and when will it arrive? For thousands of years the people of Israel had been asking these questions. The prophet Zechariah was sent with a message to God’s people about the current restoration of Judah, coming trials, future work of God through the Messiah, and phases through which God’s kingdom will be built. The question that the book of Zechariah asks is, how will the kingdom of God come to earth? In this study, you will get an opportunity to see God’s kingdom advancing through the events in Israel and the fulfillment of prophecy. You will also have a chance to see the hope that God’s people have for the future. The book of Zechariah warns of the coming devastation that awaits those who reject God and His people, but it also provides a picture of the incredible plan God has for those who love and serve Him! This 10-week study will be on Wednesday nights at Wellspring Church in the main auditorium. Recommended material is available at a discounted cost of $15. This study begins on Wednesday January 29th.
Childcare Registration for ages 0-6th grade